Become a sponsoring member
As a sponsoring member of United Hands for Refugees e.V.:
you support our work with a monthly contribution
you are kept up to date about our projects, progress, and spendings
you are invited to join our annual general assembly and can therein voice your thoughts and ideas about our strategy and goals.
Reliable sponsorship contributes to the sustainability of our work, as it allows us an overview of future possibilities of funding our projects. Furthermore we support the idea of sponsoring members voicing their suggestions and join in important decision-making processes of our association at the general assembly. By becoming a sponsoring member, you accept the statutes of the association.
Cancellation of the sponsoring membership is possible on a monthly basis and must be received by United Hands for Refugees e.V. in writing at least one week before the end of the month.
The easiest way to become a sponsoring member is by filling in our registration form online. You get to choose if you would like to transfer your membership fee directly to our bank account or prefer us to collect the donation via direct depit mandate. If you encounter any difficulties filling in the form, send us an e-mail to