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Teil unserer Mission ist es Bewusstsein für die Belange der Geflüchteten-Gemeinschaft zu schaffen und damit Solidarität, Verständnis und bewusstes Handeln anzuregen. Dafür verbreiten wir Beiträge über unsere Social Media Plattformen und veranstalten (online und Präsenz-) Seminare, Diskussionen mit örtlichen Schulen sowie Onlineveranstaltungen mit Projektpartnern.


Zwischen Juni und September 2020 haben wir mit 30 Schüler*innen im Alter von 12 bis 18 Jahren eine Reihe von 'awareness classes' - also Sensibilisierunsgsaktivitäten - mit dem Fokus auf Solidarität, zivilem Engagement und Nachhaltigkeit durchgeführt. Jede Veranstaltungsreihe war in sechs Sitzungen unterteilt, die je zweieinhalb Stunden andauerten. Wir haben verschiedene Methoden der non-formalen Bildung genutzt, um die Schüler*innen während der Sitzungen aktiv zu integrieren. Ihre aktive Teilnahme und Ideenfindung verhalf den Teilnehmenden dabei, Stereotype und Vorurteile infrage zu stellen und ein besseres Verständnis für die Hauptursachen von Konflikten und deren Lösungen zu schaffen.

Yazidism - The ancient religion of the Yazidi community


What is the background of UHfR and Yazidi support?


Since July 2021, UHfR has become closely connected with a forcibly displaced Yazidi community needing support to live a more dignified life. In collaboration with a community representative, we have developed a strategy to improve the living conditions of this particular community that is marginalised and exposed to many risks and insecurities.


The economic, social, and health impacts of the global pandemic and other crises have had a devastating impact on the Yazidi community, adding more pressure to an already challenging existence and poor living conditions. Due to experiencing life-threatening conditions in their homelands as well as in their hosting countries, the community is inward-looking and suspicious of outsiders. With little hope of resettlement, Yazidi refugees often live difficult and uncertain lives in isolated communities, enduring extreme poverty and hopelessness.


Displaced Yazidis are in need of long-term support and sustainable solutions to overcome their precarious living conditions, to improve access to health services and preserve the cultural heritage of the community. The revitalization of traditional cultures and the preservation of their cultural and religious identity is an important endeavour given the fact that this isolated community of Yazidi refugees has recently survived genocide and still deals with severe traumas related to their experiences of war, torture, displacement, captivity, and severe sexual assault.


Through our emergency response program, UHfR has already been able to reach most of the roughly 240 Yazidi families in the community, adding up to a total of around 1200 individuals. We have provided basic food support, essential hygiene products, access to health services, essential winter supplies, a printer for legal documents, and we’ve covered other emergency needs. In addition to covering these urgent needs, we also support the long-term health and cultural life of the community through monthly stipends for volunteer nurses and financial support for cultural events. Of the individuals UHfR assists, 70% are women or minors, hence, our main focus is on developing new strategies to support childcare services and single women and mothers with little or no independent income. UHfR prioritises assisting the many Yazidi children in the community who are at high risk of malnutrition and have restricted or no access to education and leisure activities.


The effectiveness of our work relies on the close and trusted relationships and strong bonds we have developed with community representatives, ensuring we are able to respond quickly and carefully to the ever-changing needs of the community. Whilst acknowledging the limitations we face, our hope and vision is to support and assist the Yazidi community through a long-term partnership towards building community resilience and wellbeing.

LEITlinien & grundsätze

Wenn du daran interessiert bist, mehr über unsere Ziele, Richtlinien und Strukturen als gemeinnützige Organisation zu erfahren, kannst du hier unsere Vereinssatzung herunterladen:

-Medical Support


In order to efficiently respond to medical emergencies, UHfR supports volunteer nurses from the community who provide their services to the community for free.

UHfR supports them on a monthly basis by purchasing new medical equipment and other medical provisions that allow them to work more efficiently and safer.


Standard medical equipment: Stethoscope, blood pressure devices, compressor nebulizers, oximeters, glucometers, medical strips, thermometers, sphygmomanometers, and room temperature thermometers, crutches, medical bags, pulse oximeter,


Medical stock items: Medical masks and gloves, bandages, disinfectants, diabetic test strips, nursing clipboards and pen, trauma shears, and other medications and essentials to treat patients.


Nursing volunteers within the community through the purchase and provision of medical equipment, such as blood pressure machines, medication, etc.


To overcome these systemic challenges and improve public health conditions in a sustainable way, UHfR is working to support three professional nurses from within the Yazidi community with a monthly stipend and essential medical equipment. UHfR mediates and establishes additional dialogues and trainings between the nurses and other healthcare professionals. This partnership model with local nurses aims to empower the community from within, by enabling them to respond to their own needs with their existing skills and strengths and providing them with the material resources, equipment and additional training they need to deliver quality medical care to their community.

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